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We tell our customers who purchase white board wallpaper to install the covering and have each person in a team take turns recording any findings or brainstorming activities. Even if an employee is not comfortable with participating in a group, he finds he changes his mind when a whiteboard wallpaper or liquid coating is used.
Make the Most of Space
The same holds true when you use a whiteboard paint. Not only do we feature sustainable and beautiful wallcoverings, such as cork, linen and silk, we also sell and recommend products that make the optimum use space and create streamlined designs. Why use a big, bulky whiteboard in an office in order to brainstorm or work on projects when you can already use the wall space that is part of your building’s design? That is why we, at Wolf-Gordon, feature dry erase wallpaper and recommend products like Clear Erase.
A Whiteboard Paint for a Wall
Clear Erase is a liquid formula that turns any non-porous and smooth surface into a dry-erase. When used in companies, application of the solvent automatically turns a wall into a practical, working surface. Use dry erase marker pens and wipe away the resulting scribbles with a cloth. The liquid can be applied over paint and the color will still show through. Therefore, it’s probably better that you don’t paint the transparent liquid over a dark-colored wall. Unless you have x-ray vision, it is better to opt for a wall that is lighter colored in hue.
Use Your Wall in About Five Days
When you apply a whiteboard liquid, your wall will be ready for whiteboard use in about five days. The liquid is dry to the touch in just a few hours’ time. A surface conditioner comes with the Clear Erase product, which is part of a kit. After the liquid is applied, the surface conditioner is wiped over the wall to prepare it for writing. Kits for painting whiteboard walls also feature such items as roller, brush and painter’s tray.
Sometimes, people reference the words “clear erase” in terms of a dry erase wallcovering. For example, some people call whiteboard wallcoverings, also known as dry erase wallpapers, as clear erase wall coverings. Clear Erase is a brand name that consumers often equate to all whiteboard paints. There are several different companies that make the paint.
Regardless of whether you apply a whiteboard application to a wall area in your office or apply it for your kids’ use at home, you can either choose from a paint or wallpaper for covering a wall space. You have two good options in this respect. Typically, if a solvent or paint is used to cover a wall, the wall is typically smaller-sized or is not perfectly flat. We suggest the use of dry-erase wallpapers on bigger walls or walls that are flat and smooth.